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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cumberland Sugar Woods

Every March and April we celebrate the products of our Maple Woods here in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. On any given Saturday or Sunday there is no trouble finding the most popular camps, as both sides of the road are usually lined with cars spewing forth their loads of eager visitors. During these months I make my yearly trek as well to the sugar camps in the Fenwick hills just outside Amherst.

Maple Lane boasts not one but three bustling camps along its snow and sometimes mud lined path. The Thompson Family camp is just a short two or three minute walk on the right. The Donkin Sugar Camp is about five minutes further along on the left and for those that are out for a real sugar camp experience the half hour walk to the Ripley Sugar Camp is well worth the effort.

Even though I have visited these woods numerous times in the sugaring off season, as well as in the deep of winter on snowshoes, I never fail to capture something new and exciting. From children enjoying the sweet joys of Maple Taffy, old fashion spigots and metal sap pails to the steaming vats of maple syrup - there are photographic treasures to be had at every turn.

I hope you like the sampling of my more recent visits that I have posted here.

To see the full gallery of Sugar Woods pictures, please click on the link. To get back to the BLOG just  click the BACK arrow on your browser.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Parrsboro to Advocate Harbour

The trails of Cumberland will lead you to some of the most interesting and photographic locations in our province. Every fall I like to take a drive along some of its most note worthy paths. The drive from Parrsboro to Advocate is especially breath taking in October. Here are a few of the many scenes I have captured as I drove along Route 209 on my way to Advocate Harbour.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Asuka & Justin

Although I am rather late in the year getting this Blog underway, I thought I would start by posting a few shots of one of my favourite weddings from last season. It was Asuka and Justin's wedding.  This was a beautiful outdoor wedding on a spectacular August 2010 afternoon. The bride and her family from Japan were welcomed into the groom's Canadian family and the hearts of all who came to share in their wedding  celebration. Thank-you, Asuka and Justin, for allowing me to be part of your most special day.

To see a slide show of their wedding CLICK HERE.